Stepping into a New You...
You can do it right now and reprogram your mind. In seconds!
In seconds?
If you think about a fear of heights, that could have been created in seconds... when your older brother pretended to push you over a cliff.
Or a phobia of dogs, because someone got bitten by a dog, one time. Powerful learning or patterns of behaviour get installed/learned in seconds sometimes... AND that means:
Even life-long Patterns or beliefs can be Changed in Seconds!
After performing cosmetic surgery, Dr Maxwell Maltz (author of Psycho-cybernetics: A New Way to Get More Living out of Life) noticed some of his clients confidence, self esteem and levels of happiness didn’t change.
He concluded that they were ‘scared on the inside’. It wasn’t the outside that needed changing, but something on the inside. He designed a series of exercises to help them.
Greatly updated and streamlined, I’m happy to bring to you this effective technique for change. Follow along below and remember to let me know how you get on 🙂
1 Think of a specific situation that you want to be different in. i.e confident talking to strangers, meeting new people... comfort or emotional eating.
2 Ask yourself how do I want to be in that situation? (Answer it well formed*)
3 Close your eyes and imagine yourself in that situation, acting in the NEW way you want to be. Notice how different you look... how you move... sound... feel etc.
4 Step into that new you (physically take a step forward), hold yourself the way that the new you stands… feel the ‘vibe’, the rhythm, notice posture and breathing changes… notice how different you feel and think… look at the world from this new point of view.
5 From this new perspective (with all the good feelings of being more), imagine seeing the new you, in another similar situation… with even more of those qualities you want more of. Feel really good and drawn towards being and emboding that New You.
6 Relax, open your eyes eyes and then repeat tow more times will similar situations.
Remember, this is in your mind. You can be as big as possible, bigger and larger than real life… push the boundary, expand your mindset… because as you know, your unconscious mind doesn't know the difference.
*Well Formed: #1 Stated in the Positive, #2 In Your Control #3 Holistic, good for all of you #4 Visualize (sensory rich) Experience.
Had enough of fade diets? low-carb, keto, paleo, Atkins and on and on…
Dieting simply doesn’t work for most people... “An estimated one in four people in the UK and USA are on a diet.”
Making foods forbidden doesn’t work. It just make you want to eat more of them.
Will-Power alone just doesn’t last long enough in most cases.
The BEST way to lose weight and keep it off is to change your attitude toward food and drink.
the new me is more relaxed and less worried about everything. thanks x
Awesome Fran 🙂
Die Philosophie des Als Ob… The Philosophy of ‘As if’.
Great nlp technique, the As If frame. this is also an important part of the Law of Attraction.
Yes… i
and it can also be used in any context…
“Ok, so lets proceed from here ‘as if’ we’ve both agreed on this… what would you have to hear to be happy to close this deal?”
“Imagine ‘as if’ Lisa was here… what you would do?”
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I did this and it helped so much.
Awesome. Thanks for sharing 🙂 Great to hear.
I have tried so hard, for so long, to eliminate the limiting beliefs I have. They are destroying my life and my livlihood. I have surrendered it all to God, I have acknowledged the discouragement and am trying to heal it but it remains. I do not know what keeps blocking it.